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Integrative health and recovery coaching

"If we confine fitness solely to the physical realm, we overlook the profound strength that arises from training our minds and nourishing our souls."

Everyone is unique and requires different strategies for living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As a wellness coach, I guide others through a process that facilitates healthy and sustainable changes in physicality and behavior by challenging you to listen to your inner wisdom, identify your values, and transform your goals into action and drawing not only on the basic principles of exercise also that of Mind-Body Medicine (self psychotherapy), Neuro-linguistic Programming, Yoga Therapy, Eastern Philosophy along with scientific research to back it and training the body and mind as a whole.

Bring attention to your intentions and state your goal but focus your actions on the system to get there. Yes, Intentions can be things like losing weight, getting stronger, training for a marathon or fight, doing a handstand, etc; A goal is important but we put our effort and focus on the system we devise and put in place, the system is the path to reach our goals, and it's easy to learn, but it requires some practice and commitment to stay committed it has to be fun, by enjoying the process, we develop an attitude of play on the journey to our destination. When we make our goals and intentions too rigid and serious, we lose our way. As adults, we get so wrapped up in life that we forget to play. Play is the best exercise.


I....Me....We. There is no need to go at it alone; change "me" to "we". I'll help you stay accountable. 

We will practice mental and physical exercises; and play games to focus the mind and be more skillful with our bodies. By practicing these exercises repeatedly, you will gain mastery over these skills. This training approach not only helps you look better but also improves brain function and teaches you how to regulate your emotional state, improve flexibility, balance, and coordination, and receive a great cardiovascular workout. You'll develop heightened body awareness and intuitively understand what you need to reach your health goals for a healthier lifestyle. This mastery over your body will lead to physical, mental, and emotional transformation, empowering you to take control of your health and well-being.



I help others develop personal programs combining various physical and mental well-being skills.

 I've been practicing yoga since childhood and I have over 2000 hours of training in Hatha, Raja, Kriya, and Karma Yoga. People ask me, "When did you start practicing Yoga?" I ask them, "When did you stop practicing?"  Yoga is a way to develop an attitude of play and awakening to the moment; as children, this comes naturally, but as adults, we begin to lose this attitude of play; through our yoga practice, we can reinvigorate this way of being. This practice of connecting the breath with the mind and body awareness informs all my movement practices calisthenics, martial arts, dance, and all areas of my fitness program. 

Breathwork is a modern term for an ancient practice of techniques that we incorporate into our sessions. Through the practice of pranayama, we get to tap into our subconscious and balance our emotions, calm our nerves, and clear our mind. We start with breath awareness or Anapanasati, and from there, we can explore more intense practices to alter our consciousness or softer practices to calm our nerves.

Trance Work is an umbrella term for hypnosis, yoga nidra, and other natural ways of creating altered states and transferring brain waves. I incorporate trance work and teach self-hypnosis to work on mental conditioning and motivation. Using hypnotic suggestions to reinforce positive habits, boost confidence, and overcome mental barriers that may hinder fitness and overall well-being progress.

Meditation and mindfulness incorporate stillness and movement, syncing each movement with inhalation and exhalation. Throughout the practice, engage the five senses by observing sights, sounds, textures, tastes, and scents mindfully apply Vipassana techniques to observe sensations, thoughts, and emotions without attachment, fostering present-moment awareness. To enhance concentration and insight, integrate Zen meditation methods, such as Zazen or koan contemplation. We will explore different techniques for activating different parts of the brain.

Thought Inquiry through the practice of Stoic Mindfulness, REBT, CBT, and therapeutic journaling. These skill sets allow us to explore our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions related to overcoming limiting beliefs and long-term physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Psychedelic Integration and Consultation  

Psychedelic compounds have a rich and fascinating history of use in spiritual and healthcare settings. After a nearly 60-year hiatus, recent advances in clinical research indicate that these medicines may soon be available to the public as treatments for some of humanity’s most profound forms of suffering: alcoholism, drug addiction, PTSD, and depression. Psychotherapists and other healthcare providers are increasingly called upon to help clients integrate profoundly meaningful psychedelic experiences into the fabric of their daily lives, resulting in long-term positive changes.

I aim to help you get the most out of your experience and keep you safe. The moment you decide you’re going to do a ceremony or have a psychedelic intervention, things in your life may start to shift, sometimes fears come up, and having someone there to guide you can help tremendously. With my experience and training, I can help you overcome common pitfalls when people aren’t prepared. A provider can be with you through the entire process, even the psychedelic experience itself and beyond. 

Finding the right clinician or getting your psychologist/doctor involved is important. I am happy to provide my guidance and be a resource for you and your provider. 


This holistic program aims to cultivate physical acumen, mental resilience, and emotional well-being by combining physical exercise with mind-body practices and optional psychedelic exploration for those interested. It caters to individuals of all levels and encourages a comprehensive approach to health and wellness.




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